The 2 most important alkaloids in psychedelic mushrooms are psilocybin and psilocine.
Psilocybin (psi·lo·cy·bin) : a hallucinogenic indole C12H17N2O4P obtained from a basidiomycetous fungus.
Psilocin (psi·lo·cin) : a hallucinogenic indole C12H16N2O obtained from a basidiomycetous fungus.
The first effects are noticeable 15-45 minutes after the ingestion of the mushrooms. Dependent on the circumstances, personal situation and dosage the effects could last for 2 up to 8 hours…
(possible) mental effects:
- invigorating of your emotional feelings (positive, but also negative!)
- hallucinations
- colors become more intense
- music becomes more intense
- (slight) changes in your sense of reality
- feelings of ‘understanding’
- ecstasy
- aroused feelings
- loss of sense of time
- feelings of bewonderment
- uncontrollable laughter
- frightened
- anxiety
(possible) physical effects:
- increase of body temperature
- slight increase of heartbeat
- slight increase of blood pressure
- nausea
- weak limbs
- sweating
- diarrhea
- dizziness